Doesn’t that title just grate on your nerves? You might not even read this post because of it!

Your customers and viewers expect your content to be engaging, useful, and edited properly so there are no typos, grammatical errors, or misspellings.

With so many apps out there for checking your copy, it should be a breeze to get it done right the first time.

But any experienced copy and/or content writer will tell you it doesn’t work that way.

Spellcheck is not infallible. Homonyms lurk around every sentence, ready to make your copy look imbecilic.

So do two things:

First, proofread all your copy yourself before sending it out.

Second, have another person proof it as well. Familiarity not only breeds contempt, but it breeds carelessness as well.

Otherwise, you are going to get some facepalms. (Hey, did you catch that mistake in the last sentence?)

Posted in SEO Secrets.